with Lyn Fernie

I help women balance their hormones through practical and natural strategies that get results

Let me show you how!

Start here

Natural strategies to balance your hormones

Eating Plan  

Hormone Health Quiz 

Take the hormone health quiz to find out what Eating Plan best suits your hormone needs. 



6-Week Group Coaching Program 

In my signature program Live For Your Hormones I show you exactly how to rebuild your hormones and health from the ground up using natural strategies



Kirsten Murphy - Keto Coach

I have known Lyn for years through our shared love of fitness, health, nutrition and finding the secrets to longevity. As I now head into peri-menopause, I've been seeking advice from Lyn about how to tweak my lifestyle to make this journey a happy experience. Her depth of knowledge, commitment to research and passion in helping other women through this time of our life is inspiring - and quite simply, has helped me to feel so much better and look forward to menopause, rather than dread it!

Corinne Griffon

I have been a keto follower and after a few months, felt I needed to shake things up when my weight stalled. I was looking for ideas, and wanted to understand my options better. I found Lyn on one of the keto facebook groups, and from day one I really appreciated how helpful and friendly she was. I joined ‘eat for hormones’ and the information Lyn provides is outstanding. It’s very refreshing to communicate with someone so knowledgeable and genuinely interested in making a difference in women’s lives. I cannot recommend her advice highly enough. It’s already making a big difference for me. I am sure it will continue to do so. Thank you, Lyn, your dedication is remarkable. I am a fan!


Lyn's Story...

Hand on heart I can now say that I feel better than I have in 20 years, maybe better than I’ve ever truly felt. I wake full of energy. I power through my day, every day. I enjoy my food again and I’ve come to love the body that I’ve been blessed with. 

It wasn't always that way, for 3 decades I struggled with eating disorders, hormone problems, health conditions, autoimmune conditions and chronic fatigue. Eventually I found a way to break free of everything  that had plagued me. My health improved, my energy returned and I got my life and my health back. 

Through my own journey, I discovered my true PURPOSE in life and I now work exclusively with women, helping them to balance their hormones so that they can lose weight, get their body, mind, and life back.

let's connect @lyn.fernie

take the quiz

How to EAT for Your Hormones

and grab your Free 28-Day Eating Plan

It just takes 2 minutes!